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Sesamoiditis is a condition in which the tendons attached to the sesamoid bones, located on the underside of the foot, become inflamed. Sesamoiditis causes foot pain in the ball of the foot, under the big toe. The pain usually develops gradually. Sesamoiditis may also cause swelling and bruising on the underside of the foot and difficulty straightening or bending the big toe. A podiatrist can diagnose this condition through a physical examination and imaging studies, such as X-rays. If you are experiencing foot pain, it is recommended that you consult with a podiatrist. Sesamoiditis is an unpleasant foot condition characterized…
Have you noticed a bony protrusion on the side of your big toe? If so, you may have developed the foot condition known as a bunion. Don't let bunions interfere with your daily activities.
Women often experience swollen feet and ankles at some point in their pregnancy. It may become evident during the evening hours, or if the outside temperature rises. Swelling can be referred to as edema, and generally starts at approximately twenty-five weeks. It typically occurs as a result of increased blood flow and pressure from the growing baby. Many pregnant women find mild relief when they can frequently elevate their feet during the day, or while engaging in a mild exercise routine. The feet may become larger, and it is beneficial to get a proper foot measurement before purchasing new shoes.…
There are many people who enjoy walking when the weather is favorable, and are aware that possible injuries may be reduced when proper stretches are performed first. Effective stretches before beginning a walk can consist of marching in place, and gently moving the arms. The calves can become stronger and more flexible while standing on a step, and lowering one heel at a time. Some people find it beneficial to perform leg swings, which can promote balance and flexibility. If you would like additional information about specific foot stretches that can be practiced before and after exercising, please consult with…
The risk of developing slow-healing open sores on the feet, also known as foot ulcers, is particularly high among people with diabetes. They often form on the ball of the foot or on the bottom of the big toe. If you are diabetic and have a foot ulcer, it is highly suggested that you get it treated by a medical professional. In addition to following your doctor’s instructions, you can also better care for your diabetic foot ulcer at home by keeping pressure off of the affected foot, regularly cleaning the ulcer and changing your bandages, and taking your medications…
Proper footwear is important when you go for a run. To find the best running shoes for you, it is recommended that you visit a brick and mortar store. This way, you can try on shoes before you buy them and get expert advice and a proper shoe fitting from the store’s staff. To help you find the best pair of running shoes for your specific needs, look at a pair of your most frequently worn shoes for clues on how your foot functions, which can help them recommend a good shoe for you. Often, your running shoes may need to…
If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can lead to more serious concerns, such as an infection. Knowing proper nail care can help in the prevention of an ingrown toenail. Give us a call, and get treated!
Falling is common among children that are learning to walk. Additionally, it can affect the older population and may be a result of slower reflexes and brittle bones. Falling can cause a broken toe, foot, or ankle injuries, making it difficult to complete daily activities. There are methods that can be implemented that may help to prevent falling. These can include improving the lighting in the home environment, installing grab bars in the shower area, and having regular physical examinations, which are helpful in monitoring existing medication. Additionally, it is beneficial to strengthen the body, which is often accomplished through…
Flat feet is a foot condition that is noticeable. It can be detected by standing on the floor and observing that the entire foot lies flat. The arch is not present, and patients can experience dull foot pain. It is often difficult to stand for extended periods of time, and pain may be felt after completing physical activities. It may be beneficial to wear custom-made orthotics, and this can be helpful in reducing existing foot pain. In severe cases, it may be suggested that you undergo physical therapy, which can increase overall foot strength. If you or your child has…
While ankle pain can affect anyone. Athletes, and runners in particular, have been known to experience many issues involving the ankle. Some common causes for pain while running can include a sprained ankle, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, or a stress fracture. Most issues caused by running may be due to adding too much mileage, not developing enough hip or core strength, or simply by losing balance and tripping. Other factors such as changing the type of surface you run on, or wearing the incorrect type of shoe for the style of running you prefer, can also increase your risk of…
A common fungal skin infection is known as athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot is contagious, and can be spread by not wearing the proper footwear in places where fungus thrives, such as swimming pools and communal showers. Scaly, itchy rashes between the toes are often a key indicator that you have developed this uncomfortable condition. To help relieve this discomfort, over the counter powders, sprays, ointments, and lotions may be beneficial for your case. Using hydrogen peroxide can also be useful in killing the fungus on the surface of the skin. Making sure your feet are clean and dry is another…
Suffering from this type of pain? You may have the foot condition known as Morton's neuroma. Morton's neuroma may develop as a result of ill-fitting footwear and existing foot deformities. We can help.
When the joints or ligaments surrounding the cuboid bone in your foot are injured or torn, it’s possible you may develop cuboid syndrome. Certain forms of arthritis may increase your chances of getting cuboid syndrome, such as osteoarthritis and gout. Common risk factors for this condition may include obesity, wearing footwear that is too tight or lacks support, not stretching before working out, partaking in physical activity on uneven surfaces, and a lack of rest between physical activities. Pain on the lateral side of your foot is a common indicator of cuboid syndrome, along with tenderness and redness towards that…
One of the first symptoms many patients experience with plantar fasciitis is heel pain. Additionally, discomfort can be felt in the arch area and may be pronounced after standing for extended periods of time throughout the day. This ailment is caused by an inflammation of the plantar fascia and can happen from wearing shoes that do not fit correctly. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that is located on the sole of the foot, and connects the heels to the toes. Patients may find mild relief when the affected foot is massaged, and it may help to wear…
A diagnosis of diabetes often accompanies an increased risk for developing foot health problems. One of the most common foot health problems among diabetics are diabetic foot ulcers. They are slow-healing wounds on the bottoms of the feet that are prone to infection and can lead to more serious complications when left untreated. Teaching diabetic patients about how to care for their feet is an effective means of raising awareness concerning their condition, and may decrease their risk of experiencing complications. If you have diabetes, don’t hesitate to ask a podiatrist all of your questions regarding your foot health. A…
The medical condition that is known as Sever’s disease typically affects children and young teenagers who frequently participate in sporting activities. It can occur as a result of an inflamed growth plate in the heel bone, and can cause severe pain and discomfort. Parents may notice their child is limping, or not as eager to pursue physical activity. Mild relief may be found when strengthening and stretching techniques are performed, and orthotics may be prescribed for support as the healing process occurs. If your child has symptoms of Sever’s disease, it is strongly recommended that you schedule a consultation with a…
Have your child's feet been examined lately? Healthy feet are happy feet. If your child is complaining of foot pain, it may be a sign of underlying problems.
With how quickly children's feet tend to grow, shoe shopping for your little one can be a challenge. When purchasing shoes for your child, the first thing you will want to do is make sure that they are the right size! Children’s feet grow and change rapidly, so it is suggested that you take your child to the shoe store for a professional shoe fitting at least once per year rather than shopping online. A shoe store employee can also recommend shoe brands that will best fit your child’s feet specific to their needs. You will want to pick out…
To help keep your feet strong and flexible, it can be beneficial to practice certain yoga stretches. One stretch you can practice is performed by standing on your feet, and slowly lifting yourself up on your toes. Slowly lower yourself to your beginning position, then rock forward and backward on the heels. Another yoga stretch you can practice involves standing on a step with your heels slightly hanging off. Begin lifting your heels up and down, repeating this action. These stretches can help prevent injury by strengthening your feet and increasing their flexibility. For more advice on what yoga stretches…
The medical term for the Achilles tendon is the calcaneal tendon. It is located in the back of the leg, and connects the calf muscles to the heel. It is considered to be one of the longest tendons in the body, and is used during walking and running activities. An injury to the Achilles tendon may occur as a result of not warming up adequately before beginning an exercise program. Achilles tendonitis or a rupture can cause severe pain and discomfort. Patients may be susceptible to experiencing this type of injury with existing flat feet or tight calf muscles. There…
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