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If you have ever experienced a corn on the top of the toes, you most likely are aware of the pain that is associated with it. Corns are generally the result of increased pressure and rubbing, and typically originates from shoes that do not fit correctly. It appears to be a small area, and the skin will be hardened and thick. There are known to be two types of corns and are referred to as hard and soft corns. The latter generally develops in between the toes and are often soft, because of the excess moisture and sweat that is…
The foot condition that is referred to as gout often develops as a result of increased uric acid levels that are found in the blood. Crystals will form in the joints in the bottom of the big toe, often producing severe pain and discomfort. Foods that contain high amounts of purine are typically responsible for the onset of gout. These group of foods may include certain types of seafood, liver, bacon, or alcoholic beverages. There are several ways to prevent gout from forming, including losing weight slowly if needed, drinking plenty of fresh water daily, and increasing your consumption of…
If you stand for extended periods of time you may experience a condition that is referred to as cracked heels. Certain skin conditions that may include psoriasis and eczema may also play a significant role in the development of this condition. The formation of deep cracks, which are also known as fissures, may result in pain and discomfort, and walking may become difficult. The skin on the heels will typically become dry and is usually a result of obesity, wearing shoes that have an open back, and cold winter weather, which may aid in producing dry skin. An effective remedy…
If you are afflicted with arthritic feet, you may find it difficult to perform certain activities, including walking. There is typically a moderate level of inflammation that surrounds the joints of the foot, which may produce considerable pain and discomfort. There are several different forms of arthritis which may affect the feet. If the cartilage begins to decay at the base of the toe, you may have what is referred to as osteoarthritis. This may contribute to other foot conditions such as bunions. Preventive measures may include choosing to wear wider shoes that do not put pressure on the bunion.…
Our feet are crucial parts of our bodies, and the appearance of them may say a lot about our health. The color of your toenails may reveal whether or not you have an infection; most of the time, toenail discoloration will be a sign of a fungal infection. Another sign of poor health you should look for on your feet, is the amount of hair on them. It is natural to have hair on your toes, and a gradual loss of hair could be a sign of poor circulation. Additionally, the big toe may say a lot about your health.…
Flat feet or fallen arches is the name given to a condition where the arch is absent from the foot. This is evident when the foot lies completely flat while standing. The foot may roll inward, which is often referred to as over-pronation. In addition to the 26 bones that comprise the foot, there are muscles, ligaments and tendons which work together to allow movement to occur. Daily activities such as standing and walking are easily achieved when a normal arch is present. There are several reasons that contribute in the development of flat feet including damaged tendons, arthritis, or…
The definition of a heel spur is a bony protrusion that comes from the heel of the foot and grows into the arch. This condition is often the result of tears in the plantar fasciitis which is a thick band of tissue that runs along the sole of the foot. General symptoms may include pain and discomfort under the heel which may be worse in the morning and experiencing a tender feeling when the heel is touched. There may be several causes for heel spurs to develop, including excess weight the heel endures from being obese, certain sporting activities that…
An important task that caregivers perform is to properly care for their elderly patients’ feet. This includes checking the feet daily for any cuts or cracks in the skin, in addition to trimming the toenails correctly. Infections may be common in older people, and this may generally be indicated by bleeding sores, discolored toenails, or blisters that are found on the feet. When the toenails are kept short by being trimmed properly, the risk of scratching the skin and breaking any nails may diminish. This can be achieved by using sterile nail clippers that are only used by one person.…
If you are experiencing excessive sweating in your feet, you may have a condition that is referred to as hyperhidrosis. The purpose of sweating is to cool the body to avoid overheating. Hyperhidrosis occurs when the body is not in a state of being overheated and doesn't need to be cooled. The soles of the feet may feel wet the majority of the time, possibly resulting in the development of certain skin conditions and unpleasant odors. If this condition is not treated, toenail and bacterial infections may develop. Further side effects may include the patient experiencing anxiety and discomfort in…
Running is a great way to stay in shape, and you can try to limit the amount of injuries you endure by running “softer”. A recent study looked at “320 novice runners and measured their landing force at two paces – a slower 12-minute-per-mile pace and a quicker 8-minute-per-mile pace”. Those leading the study had half of the participants learn to run “softer” while others made no changes in their styles of running. According to the study, “After 12 months, researchers found that the runners who learned to run ‘softer’ had 62 percent less injuries than the runners who made…
The purpose of the Achilles tendon is to connect the calf muscle to the heel bone. The back of the heel is often the area of discomfort when an injury occurs. Research has shown that it may be common among athletes who participate in running and jumping activities such as soccer, volleyball, softball and similar sports to incur this type of injury. Additionally, the Achilles tendon is referred to as one of the longest tendons in the body, and may endure wear and tear from daily activities such as walking and running. Damage inflicted on the Achilles tendon typically begins…
Stretching the feet not only feels good, but it will benefit the entire body. The feet are considered to be the foundation of the body, and research has indicated the muscles, tendons and ligaments become stronger when proper stretching techniques are performed. Implementing a yoga practice into your daily routine, which generally incorporates foot stretches, will aid in strengthening the ankles and toes. When the feet feel strong, proper alignment in the body will become attainable, which could allow daily activities to become more manageable. Correct foot stretches may also aid in the prevention of medical conditions including bunions and…
Bunions are typically the result of a bone deformity that affects the toes. The big toe typically leans toward the second toe, and this may cause a bump to form on the bottom of the big toe. Fluid may develop in the surrounding joint, in addition to the skin becoming thickened. This is often a painful condition, and as a result other ailments such as arthritis may develop. Research has shown that it’s beneficial to wear proper shoes that can accommodate the bunion and possibly diminish the pain and discomfort. Relief options may include using adequate padding over the bunion…
There are several symptoms that are noticeable and will determine if you are afflicted by toenail fungus. The toenail will often appear to be a yellowish color and may be thick and rough in texture. In more severe cases, the toenail may lift from the skin or break off completely. Occasionally, small black dots can be seen on the nail, which is typically considered to be dirt that has collected underneath the toenail. This type of fungus generally thrives in warm and moist surroundings and can typically be found in pool areas and saunas. It will benefit the overall health…
The feet are considered to be the foundation of the body, so it's important to learn about proper foot care. Research has shown that the overall health of the body is affected when the feet are taken for granted, and this can easily be avoided with correct foot care knowledge. Washing the feet, thoroughly drying, especially in between the toes, and following with a moisturizer will aid in softening the skin. It’s beneficial to alternate between shoes, which will allow each pair to have adequate time to air out. This can prevent fungus and bacteria from invading the shoes, which…
A fungal infection is the cause of a condition referred to as athlete’s foot. It survives in areas that are warm and moist, and this is one of the reasons why the feet are typically affected. Research has suggested that shoes and socks worn should consist of a breathable material, which may stop the fungi from flourishing. It’s considered to be a contagious condition and can be picked up in public showers and around pool areas. At this point, the fungus typically enters the body through any blisters or cuts that are found on the feet. A common symptom of…
If you have endured a fall or have experienced an intense injury to the ankle, you may have sustained a broken ankle. Symptoms of a broken ankle typically include severe pain around the ankle and surrounding areas that is accompanied by visible bruising and swelling. Is important to obtain immediate medical attention if you have what appears to be a broken ankle, as this may avoid the possibility of nerve and artery damage. A diagnosis typically includes having an X-ray performed, followed by an MRI, indicating a more detailed view of the ankle for more severe fractures. It may be…
If you are experiencing swelling, pain and stiffness in the toes, you may have what is referred to as rheumatoid arthritis. The toes are consistently bent in a downward position, making it difficult to walk. Additionally, it’s common for bunions to develop, which is a small bony protrusion on the side of the big toe. Many people endure pain in the entire foot, and will often notice the nails have become separated from the nail bed. In the desire to obtain relief the gait is often altered affecting the ball of the foot. Recent research has shown that it may…
A bunion is often easily identified because of the large bony protrusion that appears on the side of the big toe.The skin on top of the bone may look red and and can become painful due to the friction the toes experience from shoes. Bunions can be caused by conditions such as arthritis or an abnormal foot structure that may possibly be inherited. The condition can also be made worse by wearing shoes that fit poorly. If you suffer from this ailment, it’s recommended to wear wider shoes to accommodate the affected toe. A more permanent solution would be surgery,…
Typically, blisters on the feet are caused by repeated friction, commonly due to wearing poorly fitting shoes. Occasionally, there may be other conditions present such as hammertoes or bunions, which may alter the structure of the foot. Blisters can be avoided by choosing shoes with a wide area for the toes, in addition to checking the lining of the shoe, confirming that the seams are not raised. This ailment is more likely to develop if the feet are moist, which typically softens the skin. This may cause the skin to tear, providing the right environment for blisters to form. If…
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